Sunday 7 August 2011

VIRTUAL WORLD - Reactive Architecture.

This week's theme: SUSTENANCE.

Definition: "The maintaining of something or someone in life or existence."
A lot of the examples I found on sustenance was based around "food" - something the video in our Monday lecture talked about. "Sitopia" was the coined term given to a "food place." After the Industrial Revolution, mass production occurred. On top of that, transport connections improved, which allowed for foods from all over the world to be exchanged or transported to other countries. Since then, cities became a series of "unproductive blobs," our relationship with nature was disrupted, and the world we now live transformed on the basis of food. It was then suggested that there should be a re conceptualization of the way food shapes our lives.

Task: Design reactive architecture.
There are so many things that sustain humans. Other than food, there are the simple things in life like water, energy, rest, sleep, entertainment, jobs, education, family, hygiene, and so on. Each sustain us in different ways.

3D MAX - Creating a blob liked object and generating a sculpt map.


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